Hello, World!

This is the very first post on my second attempt at launching this as a website.

My name is Joshua Ford, and this is Stone Soup Kitchen. A few years ago I had the idea to share everything I knew about software development. To me, this included things not merely how to throw bits together, but also how to deploy those bits. Optimistically, my hope is that we would be doing so to help another person. I've learned a lot along the way, especially about how much free time it takes to maintain everything as a solo maintainer. In short, it's a lot! Way more than I expected or anticipated!

My hopes and dreams for Stone Soup Kitchen are still quite aspirational. I don't intend to make money, neither is fame the goal. Software is eating the world faster than ever, and I want to help other engineers to learn how to play, how to create, and how to reduce the friction of showing something to the world. The vision is to help at least one other engineer.

And if the only engineer I help with this website is me, then so be it!

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